We are delighted to invite you to participate as a speaker at the colloquium “L’IA en cybersécurité : Équilibrer innovation et risques dans un monde connecté” (AI in Cybersecurity: Balancing Innovation and Risks in a Connected World), which will take place on Monday, May 5, 2025, as part of the 92nd Acfas Congress, hosted by Concordia and ÉTS at the École de technologie supérieure in Montreal.

This colloquium aims to explore the strategic, technical, and ethical challenges of integrating artificial intelligence into cybersecurity. Discussions will focus on current innovations, risk management challenges, and perspectives for a safer digital future.
About Acfas
Founded in 1923 under the name of the French-Canadian Association for the Advancement of Sciences, Acfas is a non-profit organization contributing to the advancement of science in Quebec, in the Canadian Francophonie and on the international French-speaking scene.
About the 92nd conference
Concordia University, an active member of Acfas, is a world-class research university where research and activities take place in French, as well as in English. Itis collaborating with the École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) to organize the 92nd Acfas Congress, which will be held from May 5th to 9th 2025.
Why participate?
As a recognized expert in your field, your contribution would be invaluable in enriching discussions and offering insightful perspectives to an audience of researchers, students, professionals, and decision-makers. This colloquium provides a unique platform to share your ideas, showcase your work, and collaborate with experts from diverse backgrounds.
Practical information:
- Main themes: AI and risk management in cybersecurity, AI ethics, emerging cyber threats, innovative applications of AI for data protection, and other related topics.
- Presentation duration: 20 to 30 minutes, followed by a Q&A session.
- Format: In-person presentation in Montreal, with the possibility of virtual participation for international speakers.
- Language: Please note that this colloquium and its presentations will be conducted entirely in French.
Key dates:
- Confirmation of participation: Please inform us of your availability no later than January 15, 2025.
- Submission of your presentation abstract: By February 14, 2025.
Registration and logistics:
As a speaker, you are required to register for the congress. However, the University or your Department may offer financial assistance to attendants.
We sincerely hope that you will accept this invitation to contribute to this significant scientific event. To confirm your participation or for any questions, please contact me at ma.leger@concordia.ca